Friday 22 February 2008

Castro: threat to the west or true leader?

Fidel Castro, now former President of Cuba, will go down in American history as 'the commie on the doorstep'.

But having been in power since 1959, he has survived the intense advances of nine US President's who have tried to force him out.

To the rest of the World, he has to be congratulated.

Cuba, a small country in South America, could have easily been manipulated into an American 'satellite state'. Before Castro's reign, the country was in severe poverty.

With a range of good qualifications through education, Castro was shocked by the treatment the people of Cuba were recieving from then President Fulgencio Batista.
He drew influence from Karl Marx and Lenin, becoming a revolutionary and plotting the downfall of Batista.

Castro's actions led him to live in exile in Mexico, but his support grew. He trained in guerilla warfare (successful when Zulus fought the British) and gained companions such as the legendary Che Guevara.

His support grew within Cuba and in 1959, his forces overthrew Batista (as seen in Godfather II).

Castro promised to give the land back to the people and defend the rights of the poor.

He became America's enemy during the cold war. The Cuban Missile Crisis saw Cuba prepare Soviet missiles and face them towards America.

The Soviets and Americans were at deadlock and eventually Soviet ministers withdrew the missiles from Cuba.

Since then America has attempted to assasinate Castro around 600 times, according to one of his ministers.

Because of this, Castro has refused to embrace democratic ideology but insists his brand of Communism is nothing like Russian communism during the early 20th century.

As times have changed, relationships with other nations have deteriorated. Some people in Cuba hate Castro, for refusing democracy and continuing with his 'ancient philosophy'.

However his relationship with other surrounding South American states is healthy and he has improved healthcare, literacy rates and infant mortality.

After nearly 50 years, he has stood the test of time. He has survived the wrath of the most powerful nation in the World and will be forever seen as a true leader who did what was best for his country.

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