Thursday 28 February 2008

Tories to follow Radiohead

The Conservative party are to follow Radiohead's online idea of 'paying as much as you want' in a bid to boost funds and support.

The Tories have launched a £500,000 advertising campaign to recruit online 'friends'.

Internet users can pay as little or as much to become a Conservative supporter on either Facebook, MySpace, iVillage or Bebo.

This was inspired by Radiohead's online honesty box, were there was no fixed charge for fans to download their latest album 'In Rainbows'

Democrat candidate Barack Obama also has boosted his funding during the US Presidential nominations from donations recieved by individual web users.

Shadow Chancellor George Osbourne said: "We want to be the groundbreakers of British politics."

However the Liberal Democrats have already the largest support on Facebook.

In August 2007, the Lib Dems were the largest users of the social networking site, with 25 of the party's 63 MPs actively using their pages.

Labour also claim to have been pioneers of using the web for party donations and forming the Labour Supporters network were web users can sign up for online bulletins without joining the party.

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